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/ Foreign journals / 2009
Update: 2020-04-27 10:30:06
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Cygan R., Sobczak N., Suchy J.S., Interaction: Ceramic Mould-Metal in Nickel Superalloy Castings, Giessereiforschung. International Foundry Research (2009), 61(3), 16–21, ISSN 0046-5933.
Fima P., Nowak R., Sobczak N.,
Effect of Metal Purity and Testing Procedure on Surface Tension Measurements of Liquid Ti
, Journal of Materials Science, published on line 23 October, 2009, doi: 10.1007/s10853-009-3973-y.
Nowak R., Lanata T., Sobczak N., Ricci E., Giuranno D., Novakovic R., Holland-Moritz D., Egry I.,
Surface Tension of γ-TiAl Based Alloys
, Journal of Materials Science, published on line 10 December, 2009, doi: 10.1007/s10853-009-4061-z.
Passerone A., Muolo M.L., Valenza F., Sobczak N., Monteverde F.,
Wetting and Interfacial Phenomena in Ni-HfB2 Systems
, Acta Materialia (2009), 57(2), 356–364, ISSN 1359-6454.