txt xls Info: alphabetical system ordering by names

  1. Cygan R., Sobczak N., Suchy J.S., Interaction: Ceramic Mould-Metal in Nickel Superalloy Castings, Giessereiforschung. International Foundry Research (2009), 61(3), 16–21, ISSN 0046-5933.
  2. Fima P., Nowak R., Sobczak N., Effect of Metal Purity and Testing Procedure on Surface Tension Measurements of Liquid Ti, Journal of Materials Science, published on line 23 October, 2009, doi: 10.1007/s10853-009-3973-y.
  3. Nowak R., Lanata T., Sobczak N., Ricci E., Giuranno D., Novakovic R., Holland-Moritz D., Egry I., Surface Tension of γ-TiAl Based Alloys, Journal of Materials Science, published on line 10 December, 2009, doi: 10.1007/s10853-009-4061-z.
  4. Passerone A., Muolo M.L., Valenza F., Sobczak N., Monteverde F., Wetting and Interfacial Phenomena in Ni-HfB2 Systems, Acta Materialia (2009), 57(2), 356–364, ISSN 1359-6454.